Star Wars: Armada Wiki
Star Wars: Armada Wiki
Admiral Tarkin

Admiral Tarkin Republic Commander Upgrade card

Card Text[]

"At the start of each Ship Phase, you may discard 1 command token form this card. If you do, either you gain 1 matching command dial, or each friendly ship gains 1 matching command token."

Rules Clarification[]

When a friendly ship gains a command dial as part of Admiral Tarkin’s effect, that ship can spend that dial to gain a matching command token or spend it at the appropriate time to resolve that command, but the ship cannot resolve the same command more than once during its activation.

When a huge ship reveals its command dial, it only gains a command token matching the dial it revealed. It does not gain an additional token matching the command dial gained from Admiral Tarkin’s effect.

A ship cannot discard a dial it gains from Admiral Tarkin’s effect to discard raid tokens assigned to itself.

Added accordingly to Grand Admiral Thrawn's ruling in the FAQ 5.1.1; 2020/03/09.

Attributes Edit[]

See also[]

Available Through[]


The effect of this Upgrade Card triggers at the start of each Ship Phase.


The artwork shows Tarkin together with Jedi-General Even Piell. Both made their first appearance as animated characters in season 3 episode 18 of The Clone Wars TV-show. Both were captured by separatists and rescued by Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano. But Tarkin‘s rank was back then not admiral but only captain of Piell‘s flagship and his superior died at the end of the rescue mission, as seen in episode 20.


Wilhuff Tarkin, served during the Republic Era as an Admiral in the Republic Navy and eventually became a favorite of Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. In the Imperial Era he was promoted Grand Moff Tarkin.

