Star Wars: Armada Wiki


Concentrate Fire Command is 1 of 4 Commands. Resolve during the “Resolve Attack Effects” step of an attack.

  • Dial

Add one attack die to the attack pool. That die must be of a color that is already in the attack pool.

  • Token

Reroll one attack die in the attack pool.

Rules Clarification[]

A ship must decide whether it is spending the dial, the token, or both, before resolving that command's effects.

Source: RRG 1.5.0 p.4

If a ship has a Icon Command ConcentrateFire dial and a Icon Command ConcentrateFire token, it can spend them during the same attack. It cannot spend them for different attacks during the same round. A ship can resolve each command only once each round.

Source: FAQ Version 4.1.1; 2018/04/23 p. 6

Cards related to Concentrate Fire Command[]

  • ImpLogoRavager (SSD Title): "Icon Command ConcentrateFire: Your Icon Command ConcentrateFire tokens can either reroll 1 attack die or add 1 die to your attack pool. If you add a die, that die must be of a color already in your attack pool.
  • ImpLogoDirector Krennic (Imperial Officer): "Icon Command ConcentrateFire: While attacking at medium-long range, if you spent a Icon Command ConcentrateFire dial, you may also reroll any number of red dice in your attack pool. If you spent a Icon Command ConcentrateFire token, you may also reroll up to 2 red dice in your attack pool."
  • Icon Upgrade Officer Tactical Expert (Officer): "Before you reveal a command, you may change that command to a Icon Command ConcentrateFirecommand."
  • Icon Upgrade Officer Weapons Liaison (Officer): "Before you reveal a command, you may spend 1 command token to change that command to a Icon Command ConcentrateFire or Icon Command Squadron command."
  • Republic-icon Clone Gunners (Republic Weapons Team): "Icon Command ConcentrateFire: You may discard a Icon Command ConcentrateFire token assigned to another friendly ship at distance 1-5 of the defender. If you do, add 1 blue die set to the Icon Dice Accuracy to your attack pool."
  • Icon Upgrade FleetSupport Munitions Resupply (Fleet Support): "After your Reveal Command Dial step, you may exhaust this card and discard any number of Icon Command ConcentrateFire tokens from it to choose that many friendly ships at distance 1-5. Assign each chosen ship a Icon Command ConcentrateFire token."