Star Wars: Armada Wiki
Darth Vader (Boarding Team)

Darth Vader Crew Upgrade card


Offensive Retrofit "Darth Vader (Boarding)" -Star Wars Armada Explained SWAE

Instructions and hints by Karneck

Card Text[]

"When you reveal a command, you may discard a Icon Command Squadron dial or token and this card to choose 1 enemy ship at close range. Choose and discard 1 non-Icon Upgrade Commander upgrade card equipped to that ship."



Question: When a card ability allows a player to discard an upgrade, can they choose an upgrade that fills more than one upgrade slot (i.e. Boarding Troopers)?

Answer: Yes. Any card may be chosen, as long as it meets the requirements for removals listed in the effect.[1]

See also[]

Available Through[]


This Upgrade Card has to be discarded and triggers during Ship Phase after step 1: "Reveal Command Dial"

Possible Build-Up[]

The following ship types have the according upgrade slots:


Darth Vader was a former Jedi and excellent combattant with the lightsaber. After arriving at the Battle of Scarif aboard the Devastator, he disabled the Rebel Flagship Profundity and led a boarding party to regain the transmitted plans of the Death Star.


  1. Forum FAQ, 14 June 2021