Star Wars: Armada Wiki


A ship is destroyed when it has damage cards equaling or exceeding its hull value. A squadron is destroyed when it is reduced to zero hull points. Additionally, a ship or squadron is destroyed if a portion of its base is outside the play area.

  • When a squadron is destroyed, remove it from the play area and place it next to the matching squadron card.
  • When a ship is destroyed, remove it from the play area and place it next to the matching ship card. Discard its damage cards to the discard pile and return its tokens and dials to the supply.
  • Destroyed ships and squadrons are no longer in play. All ship and upgrade cards belonging to destroyed ships are inactive. All squadron cards belonging to destroyed unique squadrons are inactive. Squadrons cards for destroyed non-unique squadrons are inactive when the last non-unique squadron of that type is destroyed.
  • When determining if a squadron or ship is outside the play area, ignore the squadron’s activation slider and the ship’s shield dials and the plastic portions of the base that frame the shield dials.

Source: RRG 1.5.0 p. 5
