New Rule[]
With Armada 1.5 published in December 2020 this card has been changed from Recur to non-Recur. You now have to pay 1 token during Status Phase to ready this card.
Card Text[]
"While defending you may exhaust this card to spend 1 defense token that your opponent targeted with an result."
Rules Clarification[]
This card’s effect does not allow you to do any of the following:
- Spend a defense token while at speed “0”.
- Spend a defense token of a type the defender has already spent during an attack.
- Spend a defense token more than once during an attack.
- Defensive Retrofit Upgrade Card
- Recur cost: 1 token (old: )
- 7 points
Available Through[]
- Star Wars: Armada Core Set
- Assault Frigate Mark II Expansion Pack
- CR90 Corellian Corvette Expansion Pack
- Upgrade Card Collection (new card size/updated text) (x2)
This Upgrade Card has to be exhausted and triggers during Attack Step 4: "Spend Defense Tokens"