Star Wars: Armada Wiki


Green-defensetokenB "If the attack occurs at long range, the defender chooses and cancels one attack die. At medium range, he chooses one attack die to be rerolled. At close range and distance 1, the token has no effect."

Flotillas with 1 Evade:

Capital Ships with 1 Evade:

Capital Ships with 2 Evade:

Upgrade Cards with Evade:

  • Mon Mothma (Rebel Commander): When a friendly ship resolves the Icon DefToken Evade token effect, it can cancel 1 die at medium range or reroll 1 die at close range or distance 1."
  • Foresight (MC30c Title): When you resolve the Icon DefToken Evade defense effect, you can affect 1 additional die. ..."
  • Turbolaser Reroute Circuits (Turbolaser): While attacking, you may spend 1 Icon DefToken Evade defense token to change 1 red die to a face with a Icon Dice Crit icon or 2 Icon Dice Hit icons.
  • Captain Needa (Imperial Officer): "At the start of the first round, you may replace 1 of your defense tokens with an Icon DefToken Evade defense token."