Star Wars: Armada Wiki

The rules to ready Upgrade Cards have changed in Armada 1.5


Cards and defense tokens begin the game readied (if not stated otherwise)p.5/15. They can be exhausted as part of the cost of an effect. Exhausted cards and defense tokens are no longer readied.p.15 They cannot be exhausted again.p.6/21 Exhausted cards and defense tokens are readied during Status Phase.p.20/21

Source: RRG 1.5.0 p.5/6/15/20/21

To ready Upgrade Cards with Recur and Non-Recur Icons[]

Some upgrade cards that can be exhausted are marked with a recur (Recur-icon) icon next to their name and are readied during the Status Phase. While an upgrade card that is not marked with the Recur-iconicon or NonRecur-icon icon is exhausted, that card is treated as if it has the Recur-icon icon and is readied during the Status Phase.

Some upgrade cards are marked with a non-recur (NonRecur-icon) icon. These cards do not ready during the Status Phase unless that player pays the cost to ready the card.

  • If both players can pay to ready cards during the Status Phase, they take turns readying one card at a time, starting with the first player, until one player has no more cards to ready.

Source: RRG 1.5.0 p.15

To discard and ready Defense Tokens[]

When an exhausted defense token is spent, it is discarded for the rest of that game.


  • To exhaust a readied defense token, flip its green side to its exhausted side (red).

Green-defensetokenC readied defense token

Red-defensetokenC exhausted defense token

Corellian Conflict Rule[]

In Corellian Conflict veteran token begin the game readied. When a readied veteran token is spent, it is flipped to its exhausted side. When an exhausted veteran token is spent, it is discarded for the rest of that game. A veteran token cannot be spent more than once during a ship or squadron's activation. Players do not ready exhausted veteran tokens during the Status Phase.

  • To exhaust a veteran token, flip its readied side (green) to its exhausted side (red).

VeteranToken green readied veteran token

VeteranToken red exhausted veteran token

  • When a card or defense token are readied during Status Phase. A readied card or token is no longer exhausted.
  • Upgrade card effects that do not have an “exhaust” requirement can still be resolved while that card is exhausted. (See: MS-1 Ion Cannons)

Upgrade Cards with exhaust/ready[]

  • CIS-iconGeneral Grievous (Separatist Commander): "When a friendly ship or squadron is destroyed, you may choose 1 friendly ship or unique squadron at distance 1-5 of the destroyed ship or squadron. If you do, the chosen ship or unique squadron may either ready 1 of its defense tokens or recover 1 of its discarded defense tokens and then exhaust that token.
  • Republic-iconLuminara Unduli (Republic Commander): "While a friendly ship or unique squadron is defending, after the Spend Defense Tokens step, if it spent fewer than 2 defense tokens, it may either ready 1 of its defense tokens it did not spend, or choose another friendly ship at distance 1-5 and ready 1 of that ship's defense tokens.
  • Republic-iconObi-Wan Kenobi (Republic Commander): "While a friendly ship is defending, when it spends a readied Icon DefToken Redirect token, it may reduce the total damage by 1 before it suffers damage."
  • ImpLogoAvenger (ISD Title): "While attacking, the defender cannot spend exhausted defense tokens."
  • ImpLogoHand of Justice (Arquitens Title): "When you reveal a command, you may exhaust this card to choose another friendly ship at distance 1-5 and ready 1 of its defense tokens."
  • ImpLogoSuppressor (Gozanti Title): "After an enemy ship ends its activation, if it is at distance 1-3, you may choose and exhaust 1 of its defense tokens."
  • ImpLogoInterdictor (Interdictor Title): "When a ship activates, you may exhaust this card to ready 1 other upgrade card equipped to this ship."
  • Icon Upgrade IonCannons MS-1 Ion Cannon (Ion Cannons): "BlueIcon Dice Crit: Choose and exhaust 1 of the defender's upgrade cards."
  • Icon Upgrade IonCannons Overload Pulse (Ion Cannons): "BlueIcon Dice Crit: Exhaust all of the defender's defense tokens."

Upgrade Cards to exhaust to trigger effect[]

NonRecur-icon: Non-recur upgrades have a cost to be readied.
