Attacks that draw line of sight through an obstacle token are obstructed.
When a ship or squadron overlaps an obstacle after executing a maneuver, it resolves an effect that depends on the type of obstacle it overlapped.
- A ship or squadron overlaps an obstacle if part of its base is on top of the obstacle token after moving (excluding activation sliders).
- If a ship overlaps more than one obstacle, it resolves the effects of each obstacle in any order.
- When playing a standard game with an objective card, players must use the six obstacle tokens from a core set or fleet expansion and add obstacles from a campaign expansion if specified by the chosen objective card. Players must use the obstacle shapes provided in a core set or campaign expansion and cannot choose a different mix of shapes by combining multiple sets.
Source: RRG 1.5.0 p.12
Asteroid Field[]
- The ship is dealt one faceup damage card.
- Squadrons are unaffected.
Source: RRG 1.5.0 p.12
Debris Field[]
- Squadrons are unaffected.
Source: RRG 1.5.0 p.12
Space Station[]
- The ship can discard one of its faceup or facedown damage cards.
- The squadron can recover one hull point.
Dust Field[]
- A ship that traces line of sight across a dust field while attacking cannot perform that attack (but may declare another target).
- When a ship traces line of sight to the defending hull zone of a ship that is overlapping a dust field but the traced line does not pass over a visible portion of that obstacle, the ship can perform that attack. That attack cannot be performed if the line of sight is traced through the defending hull zone’s shield dial and the dust field would otherwise be visible.
- When a ship would trace line of sight across a dust field but that obstacle is overlapped by a ship that is not the attacker or defender and the traced line of sight does not pass over a visible portion of that obstacle, the ship cannot perform that attack. If necessary, the overlapping ship’s owner may mark that ship’s position and lift it out of the way, then return it after the attacker determines whether the traced line passes over the dust field.
- If a squadron traces line of sight across a dust field while attacking, that attack is obstructed.
Source: RRG 1.5.0 p.12
- When a ship overlaps a purrgil obstacle that ship suffers an amount of damage equal to its speed.
- When a squadron overlaps a purrgil obstacle that squadron suffers 1 damage.
- At the end of each round, starting with the second player and alternating, each player chooses one purrgil obstacle and moves it to within distance 1-2 of its current location. Each player must choose a different purrgil to move.
Source: RRG 1.5.0 p.12
Exogorths have specific placement rules. Exogorths also resolve different effects on ships and squadrons.
Placing Exogorths:[]
An exogorth obstacle is placed touching another obstacle. When an exogorth is placed, it cannot overlap ships, other obstacles, or tokens in the play area. If an exogorth overlaps squadrons when it is placed, move any overlapped squadrons out of the way and place that exogorth. Then the player who did not place that exogorth places the overlapped squadrons, regardless of who owns them, in any position around that exogorth so that they touch it. They can place those squadrons in any order but cannot place them outside the play area.
- A squadron that cannot be placed touching the exogorth must be placed touching another squadron that is touching the exogorth.
Exogorth effects:[]
- When a ship overlaps an exogorth token it suffers 1 damage.
- At the start of each Squadron Phase an Exogorth performs an attack against any squadron at distance 1. While a squadron is defending, the opposing player (or team) resolves each step of that attack.
- Armament: An exogorth is treated as if it is a ship with anti-squadron armament of 3 blue dice and not friendly to any other ship or squadron. If a squadron suffers at least one damage from the exogorth's attack, its activation slider is toggled to the activated side (if able).
- Hull Zone: An exogorth is treated as a ship with one hull zone while it is attacking.
- Firing Arc: Each exogorth has a 360º firing arc.
- Line of Sight: When tracing line of sight to or from an exogorth, trace the line using the point of the token that is closest to the opposing squadron. Attacks that draw line of sight through the exogorth itself or through an obstacle that the exogorth is touching are not obstructed.
Source: RRG 1.5.0 p.12
Gravity Rift[]
Gravitiy rifts resolve several effects depending on a ship or squadron's distance to the obstacle:
- When a ship deploys at distance 1-2 of a gravity rift, its speed dial must be set to speed "0".
- When a ship overlaps a gravity rift, its speed dial must be reduced to "0".
- When a ship at distance 1-2 of a gravity rift resolves the Determine Course step, its speed is temporarily reduced by one to a minimum of speed "0" until the end of that maneuver.
Source: RRG 1.5.0 p.12
- • Jaina's Light (CR90 Title)
- • Swift Return (Consular-class Title)
- • General Romodi (Imperial Commander)
- • Ezra Bridger (Rebel Officer)
- • Sabine Wren (Rebel Officer)
- • Captain Brunson (Imperial Officer)
- Chart Officer (Officer)
- • Grav Shift Reroute (Experimental Retrofit)