Star Wars: Armada Wiki


All measurement (e.g. Targeting, Squadron Movement, ...) are made with the range ruler. The ruler is 1' long. It has two sides: the range side and the distance side.

The range side is divided into three range bands: close, medium, and long. Every distance that exceeds a range ruler length counts as extreme range.

Rangeruler rangeside

The distance side is divided into five distance bands labeled “1” through “5.” Rangeruler distance

The bottom of the ruler is the edge at the close-range end of the ruler.

  • When measuring with the range ruler, use only a single edge of the ruler; do not factor in the width and thickness of the ruler.
  • The lines on the ruler that divide two adjacent bands always count as part of the band closest to the bottom of the ruler.
  • The following terms are used when discussing range and distance:
  1. At: If any portion of a hull zone, base, or token is inside a specified band, that component is at that band.
  2. Beyond: If no portion of a hull zone, base, or token is inside a specified band or a band closer to the bottom of the ruler, that component is beyond the specified band.
  3. Within: If the entirety of a base or token is inside a specified band, that component is within that band.
  4. Minimum–Maximum: This abbreviation encompasses the minimum band, maximum band, and all bands in-between, such as “distance 1–4.”
  5. Extrem Range: Extreme range is any range greater than the length of the range ruler.
  • Players can measure with either side of the range ruler at any time.

Source: RRG 1.5.0 p.15

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