This is the third of six steps during an attack.
The attacker can resolve attack effects as described below:
- Modify Dice: The attacker can resolve any of its effects that modify its dice. This includes card effects and the command.
- Spend Accuracy Icons: The attacker can spend one or more of its icons to choose the same number of the defender’s defense tokens. The chosen tokens cannot be spent during this attack. icons can be spent at any time during the Resolve Attack Effects step unless otherwise prevented.
Source: RRG 1.5.0 p.2 / Rules Reference Corrections and Useful Links, 15 June 2021
The next step during attack is Spend Defense Tokens.
Upgrade Cards that effect after rolling Initial Attack Pool[]
- • Admiral Ackbar (Rebel Commander)
- • Commander Sato (Rebel Commander)
- • Admiral Screed (Imperial Commander)
- • Admiral Sloane (Imperial Comander)
- • Darth Vader (Imperial Commander)
- • General Romodi (Imperial Comander)
- • Kraken (Separatist Commander)
- • Agent Kallus (Imperial Officer)
- • Commander Woldar (Imperial Officer)
- • Darth Vader (Imperial Officer)
- • Director Krennic (Imperial Officer)
- • Toryn Farr (Rebel Officer)
- • Shu Mai (Separatist Officer)
- • Clone Gunners (Republic Weapons Team)
- • Defiance (MC80-H1 Title)
- • Devastator (ISD Title)
- • Dominator (VSD Title)
- • Home One (MC80-H1 Title)
- • Paragon (Assault Frigate Title)
- • Warlord (VSD Title)
- Bomber Command Center (Fleet Support)
- External Racks (Ordnance)
- Flechette Torpedoes (Ordnance)
- Dual Turbolaser Turrets (Turbolasers)
- H9 Turbolasers (Turbolasers)
- Quad Battery Turrets (Turbolasers)
- Quad Turbolaser Cannons (Turbolasers)
- Linked Turbolaser Towers (Turbolasers)
- Slaved Turrets (Turbolasers)
- Turbolaser Reroute Circuits (Turbolasers)
- Leading Shots (Ion Cannons)
- Point Defense Reroute (Offensive Retrofit)
- Ordnance Experts (Weapons Team)
- Sensor Team (Weapons Team)
- Veteran Gunners (Weapons Team)
- Weapons Battery Techs (Weapons Team)