Star Wars: Armada Wiki


This is the fifth of six steps during an attack.

The attacker can resolve one of its critical effects.

  • Each ship has the following standard critical effect: "Icon Dice Crit: If the defender is dealt at least one damage card by this attack, deal the first damage card faceup.”

Then the attacker determines the total damage amount. Then the defending squadron or hull zone suffers that total damage, one point at a time.

  • If the attacker or defender is a squadron, the damage is the sum of all Icon Dice Hit icons.
  • If the attacker and defender are ships, the damage is the sum of all Icon Dice Hit and Icon Dice Crit icons.

Source: RRG 1.5.0 p.2

Ship damage[]

Whenever a ship suffers damage, it suffers each point of damage separately. To suffer a point of damage, the player reduces the shields in his defending hull zone by one by rotating the shield dial to the next lowest number. If he does not have any shields remaining, he instead draws one card from the damage deck and places it facedown near his ship card.

If a ship ever has a number of damage cards equal to its hull value, it is destroyed; remove the model from the play area along with any tokens and other associated components.

Squadron Damage[]

When a squadron suffers damage, the player reduces its remaining hull points by the damage amount. He rotates the squadron’s disk so that the pointer on the squadron base points to the remaining hull points. If a squadron ever has zero or fewer hull points, it is destroyed; remove the model from the play area along with any tokens and other associated components.

Source: RRG 1.5.0 p.4

The next step during attack is Declare Additional Squadron Target.
