The Grand Inquisitor Imperial Crew Upgrade card
Card Text[]
How-to use Officer "The Grand Inquisitor" - Star Wars Armada Explained (SWAE)
Instructions and hints by Karneck
"When an enemy ship at distance 1-5 changes its speed, you may exhaust this card to increase or decrease your speed by 1."
Rules Clarification[]
This card’s effect resolves when the value on an enemy ship’s speed dial is changed.
Available Through[]
- Imperial Light Carrier Expansion Pack
- Upgrade Card Collection (new card size)
This Upgrade Card has to be exhausted and triggers during an enemy ship's activation step 3: "Execute Maneuver"
Grand Inquisitor was a title used by the highest-ranking Inquisitor. The Inquisitors formed an organization of Force-sensitive agents who worked for the Galactic Empire. Its members were also known as Imperial Inquisitors, Red Blades and sometimes even Jedi hunters. The Grand Inquisitor was a villain created for the TV-series Star Wars Rebels.