Star Wars: Armada Wiki
Yavaris A1-5

Yavaris title upgrade card.

New Rule[]

With Armada 1.5 published in December 2020 this card's effect has been changed.

Card Text[]

Icon Command Squadron: Each squadron you activate may choose to only attack during your activation. If it does, while attacking, it may add 1 die to its attack pool of a color already in its attack pool.

Title-Neb-B Yavaris new

Yavaris old version

Original Card Text[]

Icon Command Squadron: Each squadron you activate can attack twice if it does not move.

Rules Clarification[]

A squadron activated by Yavaris that adds a die while attacking cannot resolve another effect to move during Yavaris’ activation.

Source: Rules Reference 1.5.0; 2020/11/12


Available Through[]


Original Yavaris title upgrade card.


The effect of this Upgrade Card triggers during Ship Phase while resolving a Icon Command Squadron command.


The Yavaris was an escort frigate in the Alliance Fleet. It served as the command ship for General Wedge Antilles, as mentioned in the novel Champions of the Force, third volume of The Jedi Academy Trilogy by Kevin J. Anderson

